We can undertake mailshots or emailshots from either of our databases for you at very reasonable cost
Cost of database.....£450
Postage.....At standard rate, starting at 65p (April 2020) per item for a letter and envelope up to 100 grams. Large letters, letters above 100 grams and packets cost more.
Envelope.....At cost. A standard DL (A4 letter folded twice) envelope costs 2p, a C5 (A4 letter folded once) envelope costs 5p.
Personalised letters / Labelling.....To label an envelope costs 2p per item. You can supply us with your letterheads and we will laserprint your letters with individual addresses for 10p per item. For us to supply and print letterheads costs 5p per item.
Folding.....To fold a letter / leaflet costs 2p per item.
Stuffing.....To stuff an envelope costs 2p per item.
Franking...To frank an envelope costs 2p per item.
All prices plus VAT, as applicable, at the prevailing rate.
In order for us to give you an accurate price please Contact Us. We will need to know:
Which database.
Dimensions of the mailshot.
Weight of the mailshot.
Personalised letters or labels.
Number of items per envelope.
Please allow 7 days from the receipt of your leaflets for your mailshot to be ready for posting.
Emailshot prices
Let us undertake emails for you from our GDPR complaint databases.
Cost: £450 plus VAT per database.
Please allow 3 days from the receipt of your master email for your emailshot to be ready.
Mailshot.....Cost of database and postage to be paid in advance, the remainder will be invoiced.
Emailshot.....Cost of database to be paid in advance.